Should I Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

Woman in road after being hit by car while bike riding thinking about consulting personal injury attorney

Nadie quiere verse involucrado en un accidente grave. Hay muchas emociones involucradas, pensamientos de a quién culpar ya quién llamar. Este artículo revisa cuándo podría tener sentido consultar con un abogado de lesiones personales con respecto a una lesión.

Tabla de contenido

  1. Introducción
  2. Límites de tiempo para la presentación
  3. Decisión de emprender acciones legales
  4. Cuotas y gastos
  5. Expectations of Having an Attorney Review Your Case
  6. Conclusión


Recently injured in an accident? Was a loved one killed in an accident? Maybe you were wondering if hiring a personal injury attorney makes sense for your situation? A personal injury attorney specializes with physical or emotional harm due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another party. You may have mixed emotions about consulting a personal injury attorney. Sometimes this stems from guilt about making a claim against another party.

It’s important to have a lawyer explore your rights, helping you through your difficult time. An attorney with the right experience and knowledge takes the burden from you feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed about bringing up a personal injury claim against another party. Besides, many times the initial consultation, and even the cost of litigation, is not required to be paid upfront—only upon settlement or judgement. Reasons to consider a personal injury attorney to help in an injury case follow.

Límites de tiempo para la presentación

Depending on the type of claim, the law sets forth a very specific limit (a statute of limitations) on filing a personal injury claim. Depending on the state and the type of injury, you may have only a few months or years to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. If you miss this deadline, you may lose your right to seek compensation for your damages. A personal injury attorney helps you determine the applicable statute of limitations and file your claim before it expires.

  • Por ejemplo, en términos generales, en el estado de California, por lesiones personales, debe presentar su reclamo administrativo dentro de los 2 años posteriores a la fecha de la lesión de acuerdo con Código de Procedimiento Civil de California Sección 335.1. This sets forth the statute of limitations (time limit), for filing a civil lawsuit in California. There are additional timeframes established, however, depending on the particular cause or nature of the injury that may decrease or increase this timeline based on knowledge of when the event occurred. This is one of the reasons it is essential to contact a licensed attorney as soon as possible to assess the qualifications of a potential claim.
  • In Texas, any civil action for “personal injury” must be filed not later than two years after the day the cause of action accrues according to Código de Gobierno de Texas § 16.003. There could be additions or subtractions to this timeline, however, depending on circumstances of the injury. Having a licensed attorney available to consult on the knowledge of the law is essential in learning if your case is valid and conforms within the statutes.

Decisions To Pursue Legal Action

Pursuing a legal action can be challenging when dealing with the aftermath of an accident. Medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress are overwhelming. You may face resistance from the insurance company or other parties trying to deny or minimize your claim. Personal injury attorneys handle the legal aspects of your case allowing you to focus on recovery. They can gather evidence, negotiate with the insurance company, and represent you in court if necessary. In fact, it is important to consider consulting with an attorney before speaking to your insurance company, or other parties involved in the case, in the event such actions could be used against you in a court of law. Besides, this helps take the burden of navigating the legal system from you and onto your attorney.

Cuotas y gastos

Hiring a personal injury attorney does not mean that you have to pay upfront fees or expenses. Clients pay personal injury attorneys on a contingency basis, generally. Personal injury attorneys pay the costs of litigation up front from their own funds taking a percentage of recovery as their fee. You do not have to worry about paying anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries.

DB Hill, A Professional Law Corporation offers personal injury work on a contingency basis. This is of utmost importance, so you don’t have any hesitation in deciding to come to us for advice on your issue. It’s a great first step in setting your mind at ease by consulting a personal injury attorney at DB Hill Law!

Expectations of the contingency fee will vary from law firm to firm.  Across the U.S. some fee cases are 40% or more depending on case complexity, with the average being about one-third of total earnings of the case.

Expectations of Having An Attorney Review Your Case

What should you expect having an attorney review your case?  During the initial consultation, your attorney asks about the details of your accident, your injuries, and the financial losses incurred. They will also review any documentation available such as medical bills, police reports, and photographs.

Once your attorney has a good understanding of your case, they will be able to advise you on your legal options. They may recommend that you file a lawsuit or suggest you try to negotiate a settlement with the other party’s insurance company.

If you decide to file a lawsuit, your attorney will handle all of the legal paperwork and represent you in court. They will also work to gather evidence to support your claim and negotiate with the other party’s insurance company trying for maximum compensation.

El proceso de revisión de un caso de lesiones personales puede llevar varias semanas, meses o más. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que su abogado está trabajando arduamente para obtener la compensación que merece.

Expect the following during the review of your personal injury case:

  • Su abogado le hará preguntas sobre el accidente y sus lesiones.
  • Su abogado revisará todos los registros médicos, informes policiales u otra documentación que tenga.
  • Su abogado discutirá las opciones legales disponibles para usted.
  • Su abogado lo ayudará a presentar una demanda o negociar un acuerdo.
  • Su abogado lo representará en la corte si es necesario.

The review of your personal injury case can be a stressful time. Your attorney is there to help you get the compensation you deserve, lessening that stress.


Rember, if an accident has caused injury or death to you or a loved one, consult a personal injury attorney. They can help you protect your rights, pursue your claim, and obtain the compensation you deserve. It removes the stress of seeking help or remedy on your own. In California or Texas, contact us today for a free consultation in person, over the phone, or via online chat. Don’t hesitate, we are here to help.

6 Pasos a Seguir Cuando Sufre un Accidente de Motocicleta

Motorcycle on the ground due to striking a car

Conducir una motocicleta es una pasión única para mucha gente, pero también conlleva peligros muy peculiares. El más mínimo accidente mientras conduce una motocicleta puede resultar muy fácilmente en lesiones graves, dada la falta de un amortiguador entre los ciclistas y otros elementos como la carretera o los automóviles.

Un motociclista puede mitigar muchos riesgos si tiene cuidado y toma algunas precauciones. Pero estadísticamente, dos tercios de los accidentes que involucran una motocicleta y un automóvil son causados por el conductor del automóvil. Esto significa que no importa cuán cuidadoso sea, todavía existe la posibilidad de que pueda entrar en un accidente de auto.

Prepare for accidents before they happen. You do not want to have an accident with a car only to find that the insurance company refuses to pay, hires a abogado de la defensay no tienes ni idea de por dónde empezar.

Este artículo lo guiará a través de los pasos básicos que debe seguir si alguna vez se ve involucrado en un accidente de auto en tu motocicleta.

1. Llame al 911

Before you begin to assess the damage to your motorcycle, you should first ensure that you and everyone else involved in the accident is physically safe. In a serious injury, call 911 operators so that tratamiento de emergencia is provided. You should call 911 as soon as possible, regardless of whether or not anyone is hurt.

2. Tome fotografías

Independientemente de quién tenga la culpa, existe una alta probabilidad de que tanto su compañía de seguros como la compañía de seguros de la otra parte intenten evitar pagar las facturas. Si tiene una disputa con las compañías de seguros o incluso con la otra parte del accidente, o tal vez tiene que ir a la corte, todas las pruebas que tenga le serán útiles.

3. Talk to witnesses

Además de sus fotografías, las declaraciones de testigos serán una parte crucial de su caso. Hable con todos los testigos que pueda encontrar y asegúrese de registrar los detalles importantes, como sus nombres, direcciones e información de contacto. Si es posible, haga una grabación de audio de sus declaraciones.

4. Registre detalles de los alrededores.

Haga todo lo posible para crear un registro detallado de la escena del accidente. Esto puede ser crucial para determinar quién tuvo la culpa del accidente en caso de disputa. Algunos detalles importantes en los que centrarse incluyen: la ubicación precisa, el clima, los límites de velocidad aplicables, la cantidad de tráfico y la dirección en la que se dirigían ambos vehículos en el momento del accidente, etc.

5. Hable con un abogado antes de presentar una reclamación de seguro.

You should speak to a lawyer prior to calling your insurance company. While it is important to call your insurance company as soon as you can to report your accident, YOU SHOULD NOT PROVIDE A RECORDED STATEMENT until you have at least discussed the incident with a lawyer. It’s likely they ask you to provide an estimation of the extent of damage to your motorcycle or injury to your person. However, you should refrain from doing this until you have had a professional assessment.  Underestimating the extent of damage may significantly hamper efforts to recover the amount of losses entitled to you.

6. Hire an attorney

Insurance companies frequently will contest your claim. Typically, this involves allegations of contributory negligence on your part. The other party may argue that you are not injured. If this happens, do not fret. You will need to hire a lawyer who focuses on accidente de lesión disputes to represent you and your interests. Hiring a lawyer can be expensive, but many firms charge you only if you win the case.


Motorcycle accidents can happen at any time, and frequently will be completely out of your control. Following the steps outlined here maximizes the chances to make a quick and complete recovery when they do happen.

Un consejo más: whatever happens, don’t admit guilt to anyone, even the police or your insurance company. By doing so, you significantly lower your chances of winning subsequent disputes.